Are you killing your SEO with Social Presence

These days most websites spend a considerable amount of time getting their data structure correct and organised for Search Engine Optimisation, so that bots from Google, Bing, Yahoo.. or even Dataweave can read them and understand, make sense of it and publish it when a user searches for it. At the same time they start [...]

Groceries are not exactly E Commerce

Post ZopNow many people have asked me why the website does not really adhere to the many basics of e commerce that we have come to expect over the last few years. The answer is simple, Groceries are not exactly E Commerce, in other words Retail.  Let me put this in much more simpler words. Groceries are not [...]

Internet Advertising needs to wake up a bit more

It’s time keyword based advertising on the internet started getting more sensible than they presently are. Attached image shows a screenshot from a website listing “Skins” for Mac OSX and the advertising that popped up was related to actual skin related products and service. (Actual Page) Taking into account the fact that this type [...]

Pulse – Alphonso Labs

Pulse – Alphonso Labs. Another interesting product and more importantly a very urgently needed one. Tiring and boring are various other RSS readers which simply allow you to read, this probably allows you to do the same in style and with colors. The product does have a hint of Sweeetcron in it though and the [...]