Imagine this. You have a server room in your multi-million dollar corporation that is generating so much heat that you have to use 5 tonnes of air-conditioning to just keep it stable, and probably another 1 tonne more to make it perform well. You do have the other option to put it up in Alaska [...]
An Eco friendly Washing Machine
For a long time I have had this thought in mind. Why can’t washing machines have 2 water inlets, separate for Hot and Cold since so many users now have Solar Heaters at home. How it would help: Reduction in energy costs when heated wash is used. Most washing soaps are designed to work in [...]
I would have loved if my Mobile and TV did this
I have an internet enabled phone, which I use primarily to talk (90%), text (8%), click images of vague animals and impromptu kid actions (2%). I did try using it to receive my emails, at least read through them or reply back but the lack of screen space is just a killer. That’s how this [...]
Unification of the Gadgetification of Life
This is needed in the very near future. Devices would be categorized as Handheld, Storage, Display, Input, Output, Network apart from all others that may be there in the Kitchen. Let’s just leave them for now for the sake of ease (that’s my ease). Diagram displays the possible interconnectivity and overlap. The problem comes when [...]
concept Grid with Tablets
Carrying forward from my earlier post here, we can create Tablets that not only help in personal computing and handheld computing, but also extend visually and physically. Something thats a physical Grid as well as a computing Grid. The idea maybe a little over the top, but things should aim at heading this way.