Fake Lomography Collage

Fake Lomography Collage, a photo by [-s-h-u-b-h-o-] on Flickr. With so many smart phones around me, its inevitable that some fake lomo shots will be taken. This is a collage of some of the shots taken using Apps like Hipstamatic and Instagram on iPhone and Magic Hour Photos on Android. Enjoy!


Egg a photo by [-s-h-u-b-h-o-] on Flickr. How to tag a boiled egg in the refrigerator to distinguish it from the other eggs? Two eggs were boiled for my son who refused to have any and instead demanded a sunny side up. One of them went back to the egg rack in the refrigerator with [...]

Welcome 11

Looking forward to a year full of travel, fun, exploration and innovation. 2011. The passing year saw a lot. Among new things was my renewed interest in the camera and I intend to retain it for the years to come. Nothing captures a moment like a SLR at large. Above is a capture or kids [...]