Audrey Hepburn is Back!
One word! Amazing. Don’t really know if its complete CGI or a doppelgänger modified with digital and physical make-up. Audrey Hepburn Starring in Galaxy Chocolate UK TV Advertisement
The Physical Memory
When we use a Phone, touch or other, we get used to the physical actions within its environment, physical or digital, much like how we get used to the manual or auto shifts in a car. They are one and the same. Our mind remembers a position for a particular intended output in an environment [...]
My Smoking went down after I got addicted to Instagram, it got worse when I switched from Android to iPhone
It’s simple. Spend the time doing something else!
What are you selling?
Are you selling what people are searching? Or are you just pushing things. Most common thing in today’s e-commerce is that when a product is not available, we put a Big Large Block with a JS Scroller and fancy jQuery saying “People who saw this product also saw this”. But is it really what I want [...]
Groceries are not exactly E Commerce
Post ZopNow many people have asked me why the website does not really adhere to the many basics of e commerce that we have come to expect over the last few years. The answer is simple, Groceries are not exactly E Commerce, in other words Retail. Let me put this in much more simpler words. Groceries are not [...]
Usable Data / Lots of Data
Often its is said that Google creates the most usable of Apps and I constantly try to find a reason behind it. A simple display on of information on their Maps App on iPhone (or Android, since I use both) presents the user with a lot of Data. A restaurants name and address and phone [...]
Flash Updates
Every month, sometimes twice in a month Adobe sends out these updates for Flash and Acrobat. They never have any callback to their website to verify their authenticity. Ideally, a link should be included just to give the user the confidence. Frequent updates for anything in any case is annoying.
My Phone usage has gone more social after switching from Nexus S to iPhone 5
Although its not pure and analytical data but it’s thereabout. After switching from the Google Nexus S to iPhone 5 in November 2012, my usage of Social Apps has seen a definite increase overall. Use of Instagram has gone up by more than double and Facebook should be up by 6 times. Add to this [...]
Going Responsive – ReaderBlocks
After a long time I have touched the Blog. Partly due to lack of time, partly due to patchy hosting service, more due to general laziness. Finally got around to creating the version 1.0 of my first responsive theme. Made for browsers across phones, tablets, laptops and desktops. This is still an “alpha” and I [...]