Egg a photo by [-s-h-u-b-h-o-] on Flickr. How to tag a boiled egg in the refrigerator to distinguish it from the other eggs? Two eggs were boiled for my son who refused to have any and instead demanded a sunny side up. One of them went back to the egg rack in the refrigerator with [...]
Visual Effects to spook people
So you have seen the movie “I know what you did last summer”, and the 13 sequels after that. Now here’s a tip to spook out others who use the same bathroom or are going to… We have all made smileys and other illustrations on foggy windows and mirrors. There’s a trick to make them [...]
Oxygen on Vimeo
Oxygen on Vimeo on Vimeo via Oxygen on Vimeo. Excellent video, not in terms of just animation, which is fairly good but also the idea itself. I would have benefitted a lot in my school days if chemistry was this fun. Instead we had boring Ping Pong Ball models stuck with wooden matchsticks. The Animator [...]
Top 10 Funny Videos on YouTube
Top 10 Funny Videos on YouTube. The guy in the video is a what Youtube probably needed. Viewed more than 30 million times Numa Numa was a hit. I must have watched it a million times and it never fails to cheer me up on a good, bad or worse day. Ah, there’s something about [...]
Reasons Why People Who Work With Computers Seem To Have a Lot of Spare Time [PIC]
Reasons Why People Who Work With Computers Seem To Have a Lot of Spare Time [PIC]. Very true.
Who is Cook Pu?
While there can be many Cook Pu but the one that Internet is now searching for is a character from HIMYM (How I met your mother), a popular comedy periodic from cbs. The character is Architecture Professor Ted Mosby’s student. Popular for all the jokes that can be played on the name. Character is played [...]