Although its not pure and analytical data but it’s thereabout. After switching from the Google Nexus S to iPhone 5 in November 2012, my usage of Social Apps has seen a definite increase overall. Use of Instagram has gone up by more than double and Facebook should be up by 6 times. Add to this [...]
Going Responsive – ReaderBlocks
After a long time I have touched the Blog. Partly due to lack of time, partly due to patchy hosting service, more due to general laziness. Finally got around to creating the version 1.0 of my first responsive theme. Made for browsers across phones, tablets, laptops and desktops. This is still an “alpha” and I [...]
Photos from Pondichery
One surprisingly green place on the east coast of southern India. Pondichery is a beach town easily reached by road from Chennai (formerly Madras) or Bangalore. One can also get there by train or bus.
Youtube video blocked in your country – Vevo
This video contains content from Vevo, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds. Sorry about that. Now thats just great. You put your video online and then block it off from large audiences for whatever reason. This is the kind of stuff that Inspires Piracy.
MSI Dualscreen Netbook
YouTube – MSI Dualscreen Netbook with Multitouch Display. Now this is exactly what I was hoping would come up when there was a buzz around Apple’s iPad. Sadly the iPad did not go all the way and still has tremendous scope for improvement in terms or becoming a proper computing platform than a media display [...]
Is this the Future?
This is the result of TAT’s Open Innovation experiment. It is an experience video showing the future of screen technology with stretchable screens, transparent screens and e-ink displays, to name a few. Well actually I would expect more. For instance the Keyboard and Mouse sure look redundant with a display and touch sensitive table surface. [...]
YouTube – Driving My Tractor (Barefoot Books)
YouTube – Driving My Tractor (Barefoot Books). Found this video while hunting for Nursery Rhymes for kids on Youtube to entertain a toddler. Barefootbooks was created by two moms and their books and videos do pack a punch.
MEET MELINE : THE MAKING OF (Sebastien Laban and Virginie Goyons) on Vimeo
MEET MELINE : THE MAKING OF (Sebastien Laban and Virginie Goyons) on Vimeo. 6 minutes + 2 years + 2 people + 1.2 TB of data + 800,000 files = Worth it. Absolutely priceless animation.
Secret Stash on Vimeo
Secret Stash on Vimeo on Vimeo Secret Stash from yiting cheng on Vimeo. Well the video is self explanatory. And no one can deny that we have all at some point of time or other have wanted to have something like this.
Elevating Communication (Long Version, Original) on Vimeo
Elevating Communication (Long Version, Original) on Vimeo on Vimeo via Elevating Communication (Long Version, Original) on Vimeo. Its a long, almost black and white, painting in motion. And there are others as well in the creator’s playlist on Vimeo
YouTube – The Chemical Brothers – Star Guitar (2003 Digital Remaster)
YouTube – The Chemical Brothers – Star Guitar (2003 Digital Remaster). That’s just an image, embed is disabled for this video One of my favorite videos of all time by one of my favorite bands of all time. A perfect video which best describes the rhythm that we intend to connect to while traveling by [...]
Drivelapse on Vimeo
Drivelapse on Vimeo on Vimeo via Drivelapse on Vimeo. Have to do this sometime. I like the way no one every jumps the light or changes to opposite lanes in the video, having this done in India would be completely chaotic and would definitely show the difference.
PIXELS by Patrick Jean on Vimeo
PIXELS by Patrick Jean on Vimeo on Vimeo via PIXELS by Patrick Jean on Vimeo. Saw it first posted on Twitter as a link. Loved the idea of rogue Pixels that revolt and destroy or take over the city / world. More than that it reminded me of Pacman, so much so, that I downloaded [...]
Oxygen on Vimeo
Oxygen on Vimeo on Vimeo via Oxygen on Vimeo. Excellent video, not in terms of just animation, which is fairly good but also the idea itself. I would have benefitted a lot in my school days if chemistry was this fun. Instead we had boring Ping Pong Ball models stuck with wooden matchsticks. The Animator [...]
Berlin Block Tetris on Vimeo
Berlin Block Tetris on Vimeo on Vimeo via Berlin Block Tetris on Vimeo. Although the Video describes housing complexes built in the Soviet Era of Berlin, it is still apt for housing complexes being built today in Bangalore, India. With the rapid growth and sky rocketing real estate prices, Tetris is probably the best way [...]
Space Form and Structure || Bricks on Vimeo
Bricks on Vimeo on Vimeo via Bricks on Vimeo. Not easy to find samples and help to work on Blender. And somehow I landed on this one. Probably the most unique concept I have come across in the last 10 years, a pursuit of sorts depicted solely by the coverage of area of two characters. [...]