Yes The designer should write the primary code and test his / her theories in interactions by doing so, much like a prototype. It’s even better if you can create prototypes that can work just as well in production. Without this, much of the Design is of no use as you are always at the [...]
Translating to Tablet
Translating to tablet is a tough job with so many of them around in various resolutions. I dont have enough metrics yet to decide from which point to switch to a Tablet View and after that to a Mobile view. But overall, the experience should be similar to available apps, like Mail, Facebook, and others [...]
Having an all accessible “Menu”
WordPress has it famous sidebar. And every blog needs one. It’s another thing completely as to how a theme interprets and shows it. Most blogs have it on the right of the left, like a standard large pile of links that keeps increasing. This leads to an unusual page height and people accessing your blog [...]
Going Responsive – ReaderBlocks
After a long time I have touched the Blog. Partly due to lack of time, partly due to patchy hosting service, more due to general laziness. Finally got around to creating the version 1.0 of my first responsive theme. Made for browsers across phones, tablets, laptops and desktops. This is still an “alpha” and I [...]
Animation software, Multimedia software | Adobe Flash Professional CS5
animation software, multimedia software | Adobe Flash Professional CS5. Somehow Adobe has been putting one Axe after another on their foot. 1. The order form for Adobe CS5 is in Flash. Why? 2. To prove that things really aren’t that smooth in Flash, they have a share on Facebook button on the page which did [...]
Styling a Button in CSS
This post is for those who are not into CSS and HTML and normally get stuck trying to style their buttons Every day on almost every website we come across these lovely buttons and on some we get the plain old boring default ones. We are not concerned with the boring ones, but here’s a [...]