Top 10 Funny Videos on YouTube

Top 10 Funny Videos on YouTube.

The guy in the video is a what Youtube probably needed. Viewed more than 30 million times Numa Numa was a hit. I must have watched it a million times and it never fails to cheer me up on a good, bad or worse day.

Ah, there’s something about Gary Brolsma’s break-out web cam performance lip syncing and dancing to Moldovan pop music that one just can’t turn away from. Numa Numa was an instant viral hit when it was released and it has been viewed over 30 million times on YouTube alone (not counting duplicates).

Many would want to know what the song is, you can either go to the Youtube page and scroll through the comments or get this - Dragostea Din Tei by O-Zone available on Now That’s what I call Music – 58 – Disc – 2