
Arithme is a company that deals in internet and intranet related security and anti-spam software. The requirement was to create a website that’s easily scalable to accommodate newer products as well as easy to maintain at the same time.

The Initial ideas were created to suit any HTML + CSS environment. In the later stages the same was ported onto WordPress as a Theme for easy maintenance and upgrades.

The product pages are configured as pages within WordPress CMS structure. Posts related to a particular product and categorized as a particular product will appear within a product page as well.

The Homepage is created and themed in a way to draw out content from 2 pages hidden within the WordPress structure. Latest News and Blog Posts can also be accessed directly from the Homepage.

Although this system has some limitation with the number of Items the navigation bar can hold, it still manages to look elegant and attractive reducing navigation clutter on the screen.

Working with WordPress

The site uses the Page structure within WordPress to associate to different sections and products. The pages and sub-pages structure has been used extensively to create the depths within the website. The user has an option to upload a single banner image for every page. They also have options to upload 5 special images per page along with images in line text. This has been done to accommodate any need to have special flowcharts.

The post structure can be categorized to appear within a page as well. Related posts to a product can be made to pop up on the product’s page itself. The post structure also supports the News and Blog sections of the website. View the gallery to get a basic idea.